Nine Tips for Avoiding “Boomeritis” Knee Pain This Winter

Winter brings lots of outdoor fun, but at the same time, cold weather can make knee pain more symptomatic. Being fit and active is essential to maintaining healthy knees. Whether you are planning to hit the slopes, snow shoe, go sledding with the kids, or try out cross country skiing, “boomeritis” knee pain can limit your ability to do the things you love.

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How to Keep Your Skin Healthy

People say that beauty’s only skin deep; it’s what’s on the “inside” that counts. Our insides are certainly important, but skin is your first layer of defense against the outside world. Skin can also give important clues to your overall health. Learn to take good care of your skin, so your skin can keep taking good care of you.

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Home remedies for treating colds and flu

Influenza, also known as the flu or grippe, is an infectious viral disease that affects the upper respiratory system, including your lungs, throat and nose. It is one of the most common health problems, afflicting people across the globe.Common symptoms of influenza are a runny nose, repetitive sneezing, sore throat, congestion in the nasal passages, body aches, headache, high fever, dry cough, weakness and loss of appetite. Here are the top natural home remedies. You should have one or more of these in your medicine cabinet before the flu.

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The health benefits of pomegranate

Pomegranates or anar are considered as the ‘fruits of paradise’ in ancient cultures. It’s not only their unique combination of crunchiness and juiciness but also their nutritional value that makes them so tempting and irresistible. Traditionally, pomegranates are known as a symbol of health, with several Ayurvedic and herbal medicinal scriptures mentioning their use as a natural remedy.

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