Booking a lab test with PrivaCare is quick and easy. Some of our wide range of lab tests includes Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Complete blood count, Fast Blood Sugar (FBS), Postprandial Blood Sugar (PPBS), Lipid Profile, Serum Creatinine, Uric Acid and more. We also provide health packages for you and your family. You can request a test online, via email or by calling us at 0300841156. Your samples will be collected at your doorstep and the reports will be delivered to you. You can also check your lab results using our online system.
- 17-Hydroxy Corticosteroids
- 17-Hydroxy Progesterone
- 17-Ketosteroids (24 Hrs Urine)
- 17-OH Progesteron
- 24 Hour Copper
- 24 Hour Urinary Cortisol
- 24 Hrs Urinary Phosphate
- 25-OH Vitamin D3
- 5 Hiaa
- 5-Hiaa
- A C E
- A/G Ratio
- Abdominal Fluid For AFB C/S
- ACE Level
- Acid Phosphatase (Tl/Prostate)
- Acid Phosphate
- Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) (CSF)
- Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) (FLUID)
- Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) (Serum)
- Albumin (24 Hrs Urine)
- Albumin / Creatinine Ratio.
- Alcohol Level (Blood)
- Aldolase(Serum)
- Aldosterone
- Alpha 1-Anti Trypsin Level
- Alpha HBDH
- Ammonia
- Amphetamines
- Amylase (24Hrs Urine)
- Amylase (Fluid)
- Amylase (Spot Urine)
- ANA Group
- ANCA – C
- ANCA – P
- Androgen (Serum)
- Androstenidione Level
- Angiotensin Converting En
- Anti Cardiolipin Ab
- Anti Cardiolipin IgG
- Anti Cardiolipin IgM
- Anti CCP
- Anti Centromers Anti Bodies
- Anti Cholinestrase Ab
- Anti Cytoplasma Abs
- Anti Vericella-Zoster Virus IgG (Chicken Pox)
- Ascitic Fluid For AFB C/S
- B-2 Microglobulin
- B2-Microglobulin
- Barbiturates (Urine)
- Bence Jones Protein (Urine)
- Benzodiazepines (Urine)
- Benzodiazepines (Urine)
- Beta Crosslaps
- Bile Pigment
- Bile Salt
- Body Fluid For AFB C/S
- Bronchial Washing For AFB C/S
- Bronchial Washing For Fungal stain
- Brucella Test
- BUN / Creatinine Ratio
- C Peptide Level
- C Peptide Urine
- C3
- C4
- CA 125
- CA 15-3
- CA-19-9
- Calcium (24 Hrs Urine)
- Calcium (Spot Urine)
- Calcium/Creatinine Ratio
- Cannabinoids(Urine)
- Carbamazepine(Tegretol)
- Ceruloplasmin
- Chloride (urine)
- Cocaine(Urine)
- Cold Agglutination Test
- Copper (Serum)
- Copper (Spot Urine)
- Cortisol (AM)
- Cortisol (PM)
- Cortisol (Spot Urine)
- Creatinine (24 Hrs Urine)
- Creatinine (Fluid)
- Creatinine (Spot Urine)
- Creatinine Clearance (24 Hrs)
- Cryoglobulins
- Cryptococcal Ag
- CSF Fluid For AFB C/S
- CSF FOR HERPES (HSV) Pcr (Qualitative)
- CSF For Measels IgG
- CSF For Measels IgM
- CSF For MTB By Pcr
- Cyclosporin Level
- Cystic Fluid For AFB C/S
- Cytology Report
- D Dimer
- Dengue (IgG)
- Dengue (IgM)
- Dengue Ns1 Antigen
- Dengue RNA by PCR (Qualitative)
- Digoxin
- Dysmorphic RBC
- Anti Cytoplasmic Antibodies
- Anti Cytoplsama Abs
- Anti Delta Virus
- Anti Delta Virus AKUH
- Anti ds DNA
- Anti Endomysial Abs
- Anti Endomysial IgA
- Anti Endomysial IgG
- Anti Gliadin Abs
- Anti Gliadin IgA
- Anti Gliadin IgG
- Anti Gliadin IgM
- Anti H pylori Antibodies (ICT)
- Anti H pylori IgA
- Anti H pylori IgG
- Anti H pylori IgM
- Anti HBC (Total)
- Anti Hbc IgG
- Anti Hbc IgM
- Anti HBe
- Anti HBs
- Anti HBs
- Anti HCV (ICT)
- Anti HDV
- Anti HEV IgG
- Anti HEV IgM
- Anti HIV ICT
- Anti Jo-1
- Anti Microsomal Ab
- Anti Mitochondrial Antibodies
- Anti Mitochondrial Antibody (AMA)
- Anti Mtb Antibodies (Mycodot)
- Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
- Anti Norcotics (Drugs Profile)
- Anti Phospholipid IgG
- Anti Phospholipid IgM
- Anti Smooth Muscle Abs (ASMA)
- Anti SS-A
- Anti Thrombin-III
- Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgA
- Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgG
- HCV RNA by PCR (Qualitative)
- HCV RNA by PCR (Quantitative)
- HCV RNA By Real-Time PCR (Qualitative)
- HCV RNA By Real-Time PCR (Quantitative)
- Hcv Serotyping
- Hdv Rna By Pcr (Qualitative)
- Hdv Rna By Pcr (Quantitative)
- Heamoglobin (Urine)
- Heamosidrine Level (Urine)
- Helicobacter pylori Antigen (Stool)
- Hemosiderin (Urine)
- Herpes IgG
- Herpes IgM
- Hla-B27
- Homocystine Level
- Homocystine Level (Urine)
- Homocystine Level (Urine)
- Hsv IgM
- Hydrocele Fluid For AFB C/S
- IgA
- IgE
- IgG
- IgM
- Immunogiobulin (Iga
- Igg
- Igm)
- Immunogiobulin G 4 Levle
- India Ink Preparation
- Insulin Growth Factor-1(Igf-1)
- Intact Parathormone (PTH)
- Ionized Calcium
- Iron
- Joint Fluid For AFB C/S
- Kappa & Lambda
- Knee Joint Fluid For AFB C/S
- Lactate Level
- LE Cell
- Lead Level
- Leptospiral IgG Antibodies
- Leptospiral IgM Antibodies
- Lithium
- Lupus Anticoagulant Abs
- Mantoux
- Measels IgG
- Measels IgM
- Microalbuminuria (24 Hrs Urine)
- Microalbuminuria (Spot Urine)
- Monospot
- Morphine Derivatives(Urine)
- Mumps Antibodies
- Mumps IgG
- Mycodot ICT
- Mycodot IgG
- Mycodot IgM
- Mycoplasma Abs
- Myoglobin
- Nasal Secretion For AFB C/S
- Opiates (Urine)
- Osmolality (Serum)
- Osmolality (Urine)
- Oxalate (Spot Urine)
- PAS Stain
- Pericardial Fluid For AFB C/S
- Peritoneal Fluid C/E
- Peritoneal Fluid For AFB C/S
- Phenytoin (Dilantin)
- Plasma Renin Level
- Pleural Fluid C/E
- Pleural Fluid For AFB C/S
- Echinococcus Antibody (Histalotica)
- ENA Profile
- ER / PR
- Erythropoietin
- Estradiol
- Estriol
- Estriol Urine
- F D Ps
- Factor V
- Factor VIII Level
- Factor X Level
- Factor Xi Level
- Factor Xii Level
- Factor Xiii Level
- Fetal Hb.Electrophoresis
- Fibrinogen
- Fractional Excretion Of Sodium
- Free Testosterone
- Fungal Culture
- Fungal Stain
- Fungus For Fluid
- Fungus For Hair
- Fungus For Nail
- Fungus For Pus
- Fungus For Skin Scraping
- G6 Pd Test
- Gamma GT
- Gastrin Level
- Gastrin Level
- Globulins
- Growth Hormone
- Haemagglutination Test For Echinococcus
- Haptoglobin
- Hb Electrophoresis
- HBeAg
- HbsAg (ICT)
- HBV DNA By Pcr (Qualitative)
- HBV DNA By Pcr (Quantitative)
- HBV DNA By Real-Time Pcr (Qualitative)
- HBV DNA By Real-Time Pcr (Quantitative)
- HCV Genotype AKUH
- HCV Genotyping
- Torch Profile IgM
- Torch Profile(Igg)
- Toxoplasma IgG
- Toxoplasma IgM
- Transferrin Saturation
- Triple Test
- T-Spot Tb Test
- Typhidot IgG
- Typhidot IgM
- Typhidot Test(IgG
- IgM) ICT
- Urea (24 Hrs Urine)
- Urea (Spot Urine)
- Urea / Creatinine Ratio
- Uric Acid (24 Hrs Urine)
- Uric Acid / Creatinine Ratio
- Urinary Microalbumin Quan
- Urine Barbiturates (BAR)
- Urine For Myoglobin
- Urine For Rbc Morphology
- Urine For TLC
- Valporic Acid (Epival)
- Valproic Acid
- Vancomycin
- Varicella Zoster Virus (Chicken Pox) igM ABS
- Vit D
- Vitrous Fluid For AFB C/S
- Vma (24 Hrs Urine)
- Von Willebrand AG Factor
- Zinc Level
- Potassium ( 24 Urine )
- Potassium (Urine)
- Procalcitonin (PCT)(serum)
- Protein (24 Hrs Urine)
- Protein / Creatinine Ratio. (spot urine)
- Protein Electrophoresis
- Protein Electrophorsis (Urine)
- Protein/Creatinine Ratio
- Protein-C
- Protein-S
- Pus For AFB C/S
- Pus for Tzanck Smear
- RBC Folate Level
- RBC Osmotic Fragility
- Rnp Antibodies
- Rubella IgG
- Rubella IgM
- Skin Scraping For Fungus
- Sodium (24Urine)
- Sodium (Spot Urine)
- Specific Gravity
- Sputum For Fungus Smear
- Sputum Fungal Smear
- Stone For C/E
- Stool For Clostridium Difficile Toxin
- Stool For Faecal Fat
- Synovial Fluid For AFB C/S
- Syphillis (T.Pallidum) for CSF
- T I B C
- Tacrolimus
- Torch Profile IgG
- IgM