5 Indoor Exercises to Keep You Fit All Season Long

There’s good reason to keep up with your fitness routine in the winter, though doctors recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, per week. They also recommend two days of moderate- to high-intensity muscle-strengthening activities for good health. Luckily, you don’t even have to bereave the winter weather to meet these requirements. You can perform these five strength training moves from the comfort of your living room. Add in several sessions of moderate- or vigorous-intensity cardio per week and you’ll stay fit until spring.

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Nine Tips for Avoiding “Boomeritis” Knee Pain This Winter

Winter brings lots of outdoor fun, but at the same time, cold weather can make knee pain more symptomatic. Being fit and active is essential to maintaining healthy knees. Whether you are planning to hit the slopes, snow shoe, go sledding with the kids, or try out cross country skiing, “boomeritis” knee pain can limit your ability to do the things you love.

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