Many foods can actually trigger joint pain and inflammation in people with arthritis. Research indicates that by avoiding such foods, around 70% of arthritis patients actually feel better and reported less joint pain, shorter duration of morning stiffness, improved mobility as well as grip strength.

On the other hand, that does not mean the food choices for arthritis patients are limited. In fact, there are a variety of super foods that fight arthritis pain and are essential to healthy joint health. This is because these foods contain natural anti-inflammatory nutrients that help to reduce inflammation and promote healthy cartilage.

Below is the list of super foods that fight arthritis pain which can be incorporated easily into the daily diet. In fact, these foods are effective against arthritis symptoms better than you ever thought is possible.

  1. Chili Peppers: The chili peppers just appeal to folks who enjoy spicy food. However, you don’t know that they include materials called dihydrocapsaicin and capsaicin that blocks transmission of the pain signals. They activate the discharge of endorphins. Actually, capsaicin is usually utilized as an analgesic in the clinical trials in treating osteoarthritis pain.
  2. Grapefruit: The grapefruit includes antioxidant bioflavonoids and vitamin C. Thus, it can lessen inflammation, block prostaglandins, and strengthen cartilage. Besides, in addition, it raises anti-inflammatory effect for some painkillers (Consult with your nutritionist or physician).
  3. Garlic: The garlic is generally added in all savory dishes just prior to the end of cooking. The garlic contains allicin that helps to relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
  4. Milk: Great news for all those individuals who intake, milk everyday as they’re not as likely to come up with osteoarthritis. The milk is recognized as a great source of B vitamins and calcium. Milk is usually poured over breakfast cereals which forms an excellent beginning of the day. Else, it may also be utilized to produce smoothies, milkshakes and also milk puddings.
  5. Yogurt: The yogurt has probiotic bacteria, a kind of microorganisms that might help decrease the joint-inflammation in the rheumatoid arthritis. The research revealed that there could be a link between unusual balance of intestinal bacteria (dysbiosis) as well as the bowel wall along with food intolerance. The low-fat yogurt may be eaten with the breakfast cereals. It’s also usually combined with the chopped fruits as desserts.
  6. Soybeans: The soybeans include antioxidant isoflavones, which have a favorable estrogen-like activity to fortify bones. And not only the soy is successful in blocking reaction of the inflammatory agents, however in addition excite the action of chondrocytes (cartilage cells) and osteoblasts (bone-building cells). This encourages the repair of cartilage in osteoarthritis.
  7. Red Wine: The red wine is just another superfood that’s abundant source of the antioxidant polyphenols including Resveratrol. It’s successful in reducing the joint inflammation since the Resveratrol hinders release of the inflammatory agents. It is suggested to drink 2 glasses either one or two times weekly.
  8. Pomegranate: The pomegranate is a source of the antioxidant polyphenols, carotenoids, anthocyanins, vitamins E as well as C. Actually, its antioxidant amount is 2 to 3 times more than green tea and red wine. Ellagic acid aids, to lessen inflammation by hindering active inflammatory contents that are accountable for cartilage deprivation in osteoarthritis.
  9. Onions: The onions have an abundant quercetin source (an antioxidant bioflavonoid which suppresses the generation of inflammatory materials). Being an antioxidant, it’s particularly powerful against the free radicals in arthritis joints in addition to lessening the protein-degrading enzymes discharge.
  10. Avocado: The avocado features antioxidant mono-saturated oils, essential fatty acids, beta sitosterol and Vitamin E. It’s successful in curbing joint inflammation. Anyway, it can help to arouse the response of bone-building and cartilage cells, thus encouraging cartilage repair and is particularly valuable for osteoarthritis patients. It may be eaten as a starter and add on to the salad. As an alternative, you can mash to make dips such as guacamole or simply spread onto oatcakes.
  11. Apples: The apples include anti-inflammatory antioxidants, along with magnesium and boron, which are helpful for bones additionally. Eat red apples because they possess the greatest antioxidant properties in their own flesh and skin. 100g apple offers the same amount of antioxidants like 1500mg of the Vitamin C. It’s suggested to eat apple daily as a bite after washing it. (Don’t peel off the apple’s skin as antioxidant concentration is more than the flesh).
  12. Ginger: The ginger is used to treat nausea, migraines, hypertension, and colds for thousands of year. Although clinical studies report mixed results viewing ginger’s job in arthritis, the Journal of Medicinal Food gives evidence to support the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant function of ginger. To add more ginger to your diet plan, attempt grating fresh ginger over sautéed vegetables, adding chopped ginger to tea, and sprinkling ground ginger in baked great batters.
  13. Olive Oil: Diets that are rich in olive oil, including the Mediterranean diet, has been proven to lessen stiffness and pain in patients with the rheumatoid arthritis. The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil are credited to oleic acid that contains omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols. To include more olive oil in your daily diet, change out store bought salad dressings for a homemade version. Combine three parts olive oil to one part vinegar or lemon juice. Add herbs and spices of your choice.
  14. Broccoli: Seemingly, Mother understood what she was talking about when she told you to eat your broccoli. Based on a Mayo Clinic 11-year study, broccoli, cauliflower, and other cruciferous vegetables were demonstrated to guard against the progression of arthritis.
  15. Green Tea: The green tea features hundreds of strong antioxidant compounds called polyphenols and has really been mentioned for helping prevent issues that range from cancer to cardiovascular disease. But studies also indicate green tea can help prevent or relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
  16. Cheese: Hard or soft, fresh or ripened, cheese in all its varieties is a great source of calcium for bones, and protein for muscles and other joint-supporting tissues.
  17. Shrimps: Vitamin D is a difficult one to come by in foods, but shrimp fills that statement, simply because they’ve about 30 percent of the daily recommended amount in about three ounces – considerably more than a cup of milk. Shrimp additionally includes omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin C, as well as other nutrients vital for general well-being, including iron and vitamin B12.
  18. Green Pepper: If you need vitamin C but are not a huge fan of the citrus fruits, then eat green pepper. One green pepper comprises 176 percent of our daily vitamin C requirements — and brilliant yellow and red varieties contain more than the double that quantity.
  19. Bananas: The bananas are possibly well known for potassium, however, it is also great arthritis-fighting source such as folate, vitamin B6, and the vitamin C. They are simple for your body to digest, and since they are a great source of soluble fiber, they’re an essential player in your weight reduction attempts, because you felt complete after eating one without having a lot of calories.
  20. Salmon Fish: Salmon is one of the most abundant sources of healthful fats, which makes it a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, salmon includes calcium, vitamin D, and folate. Besides helping with arthritis, eating salmon may protect the cardiovascular system by preventing blood clots, fixing artery damage, increasing levels of good cholesterol, and lowering blood pressure.

Having superfood in your daily diet can also yield you

  • Helps you keeps a balanced diet and provide all the necessary nutrients to body.
  • Helps to cure any disease, if any and cure deficiency.
  • Great snack to keep mind and body better functioning.

People consuming superfood will see a gradual change in their health and life style and it will show results proving that consuming superfood is a healthier and natural way to not only cure arthritis but any disease.
